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Family Support News

October 3, 2020

UPDATE: NJ Governor Threatens to Cut Family Support, Families Speak Out! (New Video)

New Jersey families, working together with the NJ Alliance of Family Support Organizations, have released the first two in a series of video testimonials advocating for continued funding of Family Support Organizations state-wide. Each video was created in response to the NJ Governor's threat to cut family support services provided through the NJ Department of Children and Families.

The parents whose children need these services are committed to making their voices heard. They know first-hand that, even in these difficult times, Family Support Organizations are doing vital work for their communities with programs that consistently help, teach, support and care for the families of children with intellectual, emotional and/or developmental disabilities.

What can you do to help? Contact your State legislator and Governor Murphy and tell them how important Family Support Organization services are to you and your family.